Installing SNMP Client for Proxmox nodes

To start we are going to need to install a number of libraries and packages to get the snmp client working with the plugins we will need to make the different data points be passable to cacti.

install apt -y install snmp snmpd libnet-snmp-perl snmptrapd

proxmox will have all those without the non-free repository, but if left permanently attached to system has over 500 package changes from defaul free systems.

Proxmox temp repository to install  " snmp-mibs-downloader " package to finish requirements for install

Add the following repository to /etc/apt/sources.list at the bottom, after installed remove the extra repository or just comment it out with #.
If you decide to just add the non-free repository to start, it will try to uninstall proxmox while trying to install snmp. So instead do it in the order above and go from there.

deb sid main non-free

To configure your snmp community name and settings.

  • In  /etc/snmp/snmp.conf comment out #mibs :root
  • In /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf change to any location name and email address
sysLocation    "Server World Node01"
sysContact     "[email protected]"
  • Change the following to match, but instead of public in the non commented out line, replace with your community's name (unless leaving it as default).
#rocommunity  public default -V systemonly
#rocommunity6 public default -V systemonly
rocommunity public
  • Restart SNMPD and Finally verify status
systemctl restart snmpd
# replace [public] to the community name you set
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public node01 system
  • Go To Cacti and create a new device and select snmp v2 as option insert hostname as the devices ip or dns name. From there select metrics you want to collect from it.
  • It should show at the top in black text the device has connected.